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Hey There

I am so honored you are here. I want you know you are not alone. The feelings of hurt, overwhelm, and frustration. I know these words all too well and these are not meant for us to live in. You deserve better and I can help you get there.

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Healing is a journey not a destination...

Hi, I am Melissa, I am a recovering codependant, empath, people pleaser, and an abuse survivor.


I spent 30 years living my life for everyone but me. I was worn out,

completely overwhelmed by even the smallest tasks, and had no idea what I liked or who I even was. I felt so alone and tried to fill my life with projects of fixing others to avoid my own hurts and unhealthy patterns.

I was so uncomfortable in my own body and was in a constant state of survival. I felt like I was living in the shell of my body.

I knew this was not the life that was meant for me. I deserved the love, happiness, and peace I craved.

I grew up with a mother who had fallen to addiction, raised alone by my father, and a family who did not show emotion. I learned at an early age if I wanted something I needed to provide it for myself. I found myself in unsafe relationships time and time again and spent 12 years in an abusive marriage.


This created unhealthy patterns of trauma bonding, empathic thinking, and codependency.


I was so desperate for a change, I knew God had a bigger purpose for me, I just had no idea how to get there. I spent years reading all the books, listening to all the podcasts, and learning all the reasons why I was the way I was.


I became angry and frustrated because all of my learning was not bringing much change to my life and how I was feeling. Changes finally started when I realized I needed to heal my body along with just my mind.


I needed to calm my nervous system, learn what real safety felt like, and put the work into all of me.

So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. Genesis 1:27

This means all of you. Your entire body, God created.

And in order to live the fulfilled life He has put you here for you must put the work into it all.

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