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Are you struggling or feeling stuck in your current relationship or marriage?

​​Have you thought about leaving or you are in the

process of a divorce? ​


These situations can come with a flood of emotions and fear. But you do not have to let those feelings take control.


I specialize in helping women who are at various stages of divorce – those who are considering it, currently navigating the complexities, or have emerged on the other side, ready to embrace a new chapter in their lives. I understand that during this process, many women find themselves in unfamiliar territory, facing doubts about self-confidence, self-worth, and fear of what the future holds.


Together, we work towards reaching the other side, where we rise above the conflict, see through the chaos, build resilience, and cultivate confidence. It's about turning the page and embracing the true gift of a new chapter. No woman should face the complexities of divorce alone, and my mission is to ensure they have the support they need to navigate the challenges.

Somewhere along the way things just became different


The relationship you envisioned is no longer the one you are experiencing.


You are confused, scared,  feel alone and fear divorce is the next step



Work With Me


*Expert guidance on toxic behaviors and patterns

*Insight into navigating personal and legal unknowns

*Personalized emotional support and validation

* Empowerment and self advocacy in high conflict situations









So let's take the steps to turn the page and create something beautiful out of the hurt 

find yourself again and learn to live again!

Work With Me

Taking the steps to change your life can be intimidating. But you do not have to do it alone. Together we will get you on a path to more fulfilled and peaceful life.


Together, we work towards reaching the other side, where we rise above the conflict, see through the chaos, build resilience, and cultivate confidence.



Find focus on growing your inner strength and embodying who you are meant to be. Togetherwe will take a deep dive into providingwhat your mind and body need to heal.


You have enough unknowns on your plate. Schedule a free call today where we can get to know each other and start planning your next steps towards towards a new chapter. 

A Little Bit About Me

I want to acknowledge and thank you for being here!

Choosing YOU in a world where we are expected to give so much of ourselves away is brave and beautiful step.

I spent 30 years living my life for everyone but me. I was worn out, completely overwhelmed by even the smallest tasks, and had no idea what I liked or who I even was. I felt so alone and tried to fill my life with projects of fixing others to avoid my own hurts and unhealthy patterns. I was so uncomfortable in my own body and was in a constant state of survival.


I am here today to tell you this was not the end of my story. If you have felt like you are trying so hard just to make it through everyday life, if you feel like you are living outside your body just going through the motions, or noticing you are stuck in unhealthy patterns... I am here for you, I want to help you, and together we can make life so much better.

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